構造体定義書 フリー 仕様書 自動 作成



struct unixware_disklabel




No. 名称 属性説明
  d_type unsigned int drive type
  d_magic[4] unsigned char the magic number
  d_version unsigned int version number
  d_serial[12] char serial number of the device
  d_ncylinders unsigned int # of data cylinders per device
  d_ntracks unsigned int # of tracks per cylinder
  d_nsectors unsigned int # of data sectors per track
  d_secsize unsigned int # of bytes per sector
  d_part_start unsigned int # of first sector of this partition
  d_unknown1[12] unsigned int ?
  d_alt_tbl unsigned int byte offset of alternate table
  d_alt_len unsigned int byte length of alternate table
  d_phys_cyl unsigned int # of physical cylinders per device
  d_phys_trk unsigned int # of physical tracks per cylinder
  d_phys_sec unsigned int # of physical sectors per track
  d_phys_bytes unsigned int # of physical bytes per sector
  d_unknown2 unsigned int ?
  d_unknown3 unsigned int ?
  d_pad[8] unsigned int pad
  v_magic[4] unixware_vtoc unsigned char the magic number
  v_version unsigned int version number
  v_name[8] char volume name
  v_nslices unsigned short # of slices
  v_unknown1 unsigned short ?
  v_reserved[10] unsigned int reserved
  v_slice[UNIXWARE_NUMSLICE] unixware_slice slice headers

See Also

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