列挙体定義書 Excel2010



enum RTL8139_registers




No. 名称 属性説明
  MAC0 0 Ethernet hardware address.
  MAR0 8 Multicast filter.
  TxStatus0 0x10 Transmit status (four 32bit registers).
  TxAddr0 0x20 Tx descriptors (also four 32bit).
  RxBuf 0x30  
  RxEarlyCnt 0x34  
  RxEarlyStatus 0x36  
  ChipCmd 0x37  
  RxBufPtr 0x38 general-purpose counter.
  RxBufAddr 0x3A 24 bits valid, write clears.
  IntrMask 0x3C  
  IntrStatus 0x3E intr if gp counter reaches this value
  TxConfig 0x40  
  RxConfig 0x44  
  Timer 0x48  
  RxMissed 0x4C revision of the RTL8139 chip
  Cfg9346 0x50  
  Config0 0x51  
  Config1 0x52  
  TimerIntrReg 0x54  
  MediaStatus 0x58  
  Config3 0x59 packet received counter
  MultiIntr 0x5C chip status and configuration register
  RevisionID 0x5E undocumented
  TxSummary 0x60 * definitions we will probably never need to know about.
  MII_BMCR 0x62  
  MII_BMSR 0x64  
  NWayAdvert 0x66  
  NWayLPAR 0x68  
  NWayExpansion 0x6A  
  DisconnectCnt 0x6C  
  FalseCarrierCnt 0x6E  
  NWayTestReg 0x70  
  RxCnt 0x72  
  CSCR 0x74  
  PhyParm1 0x78  
  TwisterParm 0x7c  
  PhyParm2 0x80  

See Also

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