構造体定義書 Excel2010



Little Endian

struct hermonprm_address_path_st




No. 名称 属性説明
hermonprm_address_path_st  Little Endian
  pkey_index[0x00007] pseudo_bit_t PKey table index
  reserved0[0x00016] pseudo_bit_t  
  sv[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Service VLAN on QP
  cv[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Customer VLAN in QP
  fl[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Force LoopBack
  rlid[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t Remote (Destination) LID
  my_lid_smac_idx[0x00007] pseudo_bit_t Source LID - the lower 7 bits (upper bits are taken from PortInfo)
  grh_ip[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Global address enable - if set, GRH will be formed for packet header
  reserved1[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t  
  hop_limit[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t IPv6 hop limit
  max_stat_rate[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t Maximum static rate control.
  reserved2[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t  
  mgid_index[0x00007] pseudo_bit_t Index to port GID table
  reserved3[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t  
  ack_timeout[0x00005] pseudo_bit_t Local ACK timeout - Transport timer for activation of retransmission mechanism. Refer to IB spec Vol1 for further det
  flow_label[0x00014] pseudo_bit_t IPv6 flow label
  tclass[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t IPv6 TClass
  reserved4[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t  
  rgid_127_96[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Remote GID[127:96]
  rgid_95_64[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Remote GID[95:64]
  rgid_63_32[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Remote GID[63:32]
  rgid_31_0[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Remote GID[31:0]
  reserved5[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t  
  sp[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t if set, spoofing protection is enforced on this QP and Ethertype headers are restricted
  reserved6[0x00002] pseudo_bit_t  
  fvl[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t force VLAN
  fsip[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t force source IP
  fsm[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t force source MAC
  reserved7[0x0000a] pseudo_bit_t  
  sched_queue[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t  
  dmac_47_32[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t  
  vlan_index[0x00007] pseudo_bit_t  
  reserved8[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t  
  counter_index[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t Index to a table of counters that counts egress packets and bytes, 0xFF not valid
  dmac_31_0[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t  

See Also

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